Travel from US to Brazil 39% up after loosening VISA requirements

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The Brazilian government has waved VISA requirements for a selection of countries on June 17, 2019, meaning visa-free entry is available to citizens of the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan. The number of flights from the United States to Brazil has increased 39 percent since the government waived a visa requirement, according to its official tourism agency EMBRATUR, and plans are to attract more tourists. “Brazil is much more than the land of ‘caipirinhas’ and tiny bikinis. We want to focus on ecotourism and our vast natural resources, from the Amazon rain forest to the Pantanal wetlands,” Embratur President Gilson Machado informed Reuters. Machado also stimulates airliners to add more direct flight routes from the United States to Brazil. An increased budget for EMBRATUR, from US$ 8 million to US$ 120 million will help to promote Brazil as a new and much safer country. Violent crime being down and reinforced public security in tourist spots will help Brazil’s tourism industry, Machado believes.