What is the core business of Brazil Business Club?
We offer Local Representation, Research and Resources inside Brazil for companies and investors outside of Brazil.
What types of business, organizations and investors Brazil Business Club works with?
We don´t have a “favorite type” of business that we like to work with. Whether you are an individual investor, a startup company, a real estate business, government, non-profit, an established multinational corporation or anything in between, feel free to reach out to us, we are here to help you succeed in Brazil!
What are the types of industries Brazil Business Club serves in?
A few examples are: Agriculture, Real Estate, Tourism, Events, Finance, Retail, IT and Entertainment. Further then that, we don´t limit ourselves to specific areas, we are a full service organization in all areas.
What is the backstory of Brazil Business Club?
Brazil Business Club is founded by an entrepreneur from The Netherlands that fell in love with the beauty of the country and the people of Brazil in 2010. He realized that Brazil is a place full of opportunities, but also full of dangers and decided to make it his mission to help foreign companies and individual investors succeed in this spectacular country.